det som visas i kommande new moon trailer

Källa: Robert pattinson life & Twilightsweden

För er som inte vill veta spoilers från kommande new moon slutar alltså läsa nu. Den nya trailern från new moon visades igår i samband med sorority row filmen i USA och en som varit på visningen har berättat vad som visades.

Som ni ser nedan så är det en heldel. Visst jag som läst boken vet ju redan ungefär vad som kommer hända, men om denna information stämmer, känns det nästan som lite för mycket för att vara en trailer ;o

♦ Volturi lair - Aro, Caius, Marcus
♦ Felix fighting Edward
♦ Edward being thrown about the lair two or three times.
♦ Bella begging them to not hurt him
♦ Edward leaving Bella in the woods (more dialogue than we’ve already heard)
♦ Bella in the woods
♦ Bella in despair in her room
♦ Bella confronting the pack, Paul morphing in to a wolf in front of Bella
♦ Bella and Jacob with Jacob’s “I would never hurt you” line
♦ Bella on the bike seeing Edward and falling over.
♦ Edward vision in the school parking lot with voiceover from Bella
   saying it’s the only way she can see him
♦ Bella and Jessica walking with Jessica saying “so you’re an adrenaline junkie now”
♦ Bella on the cliff diving into the water. Bella in the water seeing Edward
♦ Jacob rescuing her and asking why she did that
♦ Alice appearing and telling Bella that Edward is going to kill himself
♦ Jacob trying to stop Bella from leaving to stop Edward
♦ Shot of the Porsche in the countryside, and Bella and Alice in the car
♦ Volterra and the parade
♦ Shirtless Edward
♦ Bella running to stop him in the fountain
♦ Jane saying something like ‘this may hurt a little’

Postat av: maria






gaaaah! <333

2009-09-11 @ 17:10:40

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